Welcome to Raven Knight! Raven Knight provides Research and Development for Interplanetary and Business Enterprises at this time. We offer water production, water recycling and renewable technology, as well as Water and Energy Independent Homes for all. (WEIH). Term and some of the technology is still being developed.
We also work for the American Government, but don’t quote me on that, perhaps you can quote me today, as long as nasa is not involved. I appreciate this being maintained: NASA Self Updating Sun. “Bill Gates was trying to take that down.” Wonder why?
We are work with some of the best professionals and developers to offer consulting and development services, as well as technology that can rapidly change the way humanity lives and works. We provide zero waste, sustainable solutions for communities, individuals and corporations. We have been developing new products and relationships as well as providing existing technology for eight years. Our new innovative systems include applications such as energy/water independent affordable housing and components, complete water recycling and production systems for commercial applications and brine recycling systems. Please submit a project inquiry and we will work to provide a reliable solution for you that is innovative, affordable and reliable.
We deliver tested, proven and reliable water treatment technology and have been working to deliver waste to energy/fuel systems for municipal and industrial users. Raven Knight also has several developmental stage waste to energy and innovative water treatment solutions that will soon be released to the ever ready marketplace.
If you have an innovative technology you would like to market or further develop, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration. bill gates intentions for the sun. memory erasure conducted by negative men. new space technology available and crimes involved in blocking new space technology from arriving.
We need that line for our Research and Development company to exist.